How Can You Provide Performance Feedback?

Several metrics exist for measuring just how effective a training is; the Kirkpatrick Model being widely used. However, the Kirkpatrick model is not just a tool for measuring effectiveness of instructional design. It is also incredibly useful when used as a framework to provide feedback to learners throughout the instructional process. Take a look at how each phase of the Kirkpatrick model...

How to Create Gamified e-Learning

As a teacher, one of the main goals of instruction was to engage my students. As a special education teacher, this goal was even more critical to the effectiveness and success of my instruction. I would often engage students during test prep and review by creating interactive memory games such as jeopardy. I would establish a competitive dynamic among...

Culturally Responsive LxD

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve picked up a curriculum or instructional content, read it over, and thought to myself “What does this have to do with the kids I’m teaching?” A huge issue in today’s American education system is standardization. Education reform has called for the standardizing of tests, standardizing of student...

Evaluating the Learner Experience

Here in the LxD world, we’re very much accustomed to assessing and evaluating learners. Don’t forget that design needs to be evaluated too. To develop effective instructional design, remain cognizant of performance areas that an evaluation would measure. Attractiveness What impression do aesthetics leave on the user? A huge impression. Last Friday night I found myself perusing...

5 Digital Learner Challenges to Consider

It’s safe to say we’re currently at the forefront of an e-learning revolution. Organizations and institutions have adopted a ‘people first’ model, and respect the need for flexibility and ease of access for employees and students alike. As is the case with most societal shifts, there will be implications and challenges; the rise of e-learning being no different. Designers of...
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