GoogleSearch Engine OptimizationGoogle Replaces Longstanding Keyword Tool with Keyword Planner

July 2, 2013by Reva McEachern1

The Google AdWords Keyword Tool is something that webmasters and SEOs have long relied on to discover the best keywords to use on their websites. If you’ve logged into the Google AdWords Keyword Tool recently you may have noticed an alert from Google that the tool will soon be no more. In its place, Google offers a new Keyword Planner which will combine desktop, tablet and mobile searches, and show exact match volume by default, a move that falls neatly in line with its Enhanced Campaigns update and many more moves the search giant has made during the past 12 months.

The following link highlights the differences between the old Keyword Tool and the new Keyword Planner:

Since search engine optimization generally focuses on exact match data, that part won’t be too bothersome. But the combination of search volumes across multiple devices does represent a paradigm shift. Overall, this shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise though. I mean, if Google hasn’t made it clear to you by now just how important mobile is then you haven’t been paying attention.

One comment

  • prarieguy

    July 5, 2013 at 2:52 PM

    How do you think 3rd party vendors like SEMRush will respond?

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